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Zhongjin Irradiation Qingdao Branch mobilization meeting to carry out the great debate


Zhongjin Irradiation Qingdao Branch mobilization meeting to carry out the great debate

Qingdao Branch
Qingdao Branch
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To conscientiously implement the company "on the great debate of the first phase scheduled views of the notice," the spirit of the document, the gold irradiation Qingdao Branch September 19 launched a mobilization group "five-second" quadruple great debate activities Assembly.

Mobilization meeting, deputy general manager Han strong effect conveys learn SUN Zhao, general manager of the company in the first phase to mobilize opinion arrange the great debate on the speech and the Group of the General Assembly and announced the decision to set up branch offices in Qingdao Leading Group for discussion.

Deputy General Manager Yang Chuan convey the spirit of the meeting by the irradiation of gold mobilization meeting discussion and Zheng powerful chairman of speech, and made a mobilization speech. Yang pointed out: Qingdao Branch to respond to the call of the company and in gold irradiated, and actively carry out the great debate activities. To strengthen organizational leadership, through activities carried out, seriously find their own problems, and to develop corrective measures to gradually improve the management level; to broaden the idea, clarify ideas, self-pressurized, achieve a higher level of breakthrough for the realization Group "second five" grand goal to quadruple Qingdao Branch made due contributions.

By holding discussion mobilization meeting, the Qingdao Branch staff in-depth understanding of the company to carry out the purpose and significance of this great debate, and laid a good foundation for the next step to carry out the great debate activities.


